Tuesday 25 February 2014


Has acne really become the order of the day?, i asked myself as i stare at this lady beside me whose face seem to have been Acne infested, i twitched immediately she turned towards my direction just so she doesn't feel embarrassed cos i might not absolutely understand how it feels to have it but i know for sure that Acne is a tremendously embarrassing and burdensome problem. But then i couldn't help the cascade of questions that ran through my mind, questions such as, where exactly does this acne of a thing emanate from?, why does it seem so hard to fight?, why has it suddenly become a prominent skin problem in Africa? etc. Then i decided to embark on a research. but before i dish out the information i gathered, i would like every acne sufferers to know that Acne might appear as a complex problem, but there are many treatment options available to those who have acne. It takes time and patience, but nearly every case of acne can be controlled successfully.


Acne at its most basic is a disorder of the hair follicle or pore. it is also known as Acne vulgaris, and it has been classified as a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin.Acne is characterized by the presence of pimples or "zits",blackheads, and whiteheads. It chiefly affects the face, neck, chest, back, and/or upper arms of sufferers. Rarely you will find acne in other areas of the body. Acne varies in development from very mild to extremely severe.


There is no precise cause of acne; rather, it is a result of many factors coming together to create an acne situation. Those who are prone to acne often have skin that is oilier than average. Excess oil can easily become trapped within the pore, creating an impaction.

Acneic skin also produces more dead skin cells than is normal, and those skin cells are not being shed properly (a condition called retention hyperkeratosis). These dead cells stick to the surface of the skin and inside the follicles, mixing with excess oil and creating a comedo, (a clogged hair follicle (pore) in the skin)

When the pore becomes blocked by cellular debris and oil, a bacterium that is normally present within the pore grows unchecked. Propionibacteria acnes are found in great numbers on acneic skin, causing inflamed breakouts.


Acne often first appears during puberty, when there is a surge of androgen hormones within the body. Androgens stimulate the Sebaceous glands, creating an oilier complexion and one more prone to breakouts.

Most dermatologists agree androgen hormones significantly influence acne development. In addition to puberty, women may see considerable hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and perimenopause. During these life phases, acne is most likely to develop or flare up. Other factors that contribute to acne development include oily cosmetics, comedogenic
skin care or hair care products, certain drugs such as steroids and estrogen medications. Acne tends to run in families. If your parents had acne at any point in their lives, your chance of developing acne is higher.


Yea, there sure is!, did just put a smile on someones face?. find below, some basic natural acne tips.

1) Apply honey to your face once or twice a week -Honey could actually do great wonders, it works for every skin type, it has antibacterial properties so it is great for disinfecting and healing minor blemishes. It is also gentle on sensitive skin.

2) Wash twice a day with acne soap - It's advisable acne sufferers wash their faces twice daily, first thing in the morning and last at night, preferably with a sulfur based soap specifically made for acne, scrub gently as intense scrubbing can increase your chances of having more acne.

3) Keep your hair off your face - At this point, it's pertinent to state here that the effect of applying too much oil to your hair or weave which at the end flips over your face and thereby deposit a minimal or reasonable quantity of the oil into your pores cannot be over emphasized. If you have long hair or bangs, pull your hair off your face. Your hair contains oil and will contribute to your breakouts. You'll also want to wash your hair everyday and after workouts.

4) Eat carrots for beta-carotene (Vitamin A) - Carrots strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and actually prevents acne. It helps reduce sebum production. carrot is essential for the maintenance and repair of the tissue which the skin and mucous membranes are made of. Carrot is also a powerful antioxidant needed to rid your body of toxins. deficiency in vitamin A can actually cause acne.

5) Include chromium in your diet - Chromium is well known for weight loss diets. But it is also excellent for healing infections on the skin. Taking a chromium supplement once a day will help heal your pimples quickly and prevent future breakouts.

6) Take a potent multi-vitamin - Acne only signifies that the body isn't receiving the right nutrition, at this point of improper nutrition, the body fights back by producing excessive sebum, clogging pores and then reduces immunity which makes the body lack adequate biological defense to avoid infection, diseases, or other biological invasion.

7) Avoid wearing makeup - Leaving makeup products on your skin only contributes to clogging your pores, causing more pimples and blackheads. If you feel you must wear makeup, be sure it is water-based which also must be taken out before going to bed at night.

8) Do not pick or squeeze your blackheads and pimples - As tempting as it may be, do not squeeze, scratch, rub or touch your pimples and blackheads. Do any of these actions, actually increases the sebum production. Plus, when you squeeze, you are actually rupturing the membranes below your skin, causing infection and sebum to spread underneath your skin. The result is more pimples.

9) Wash your pillow case every other day - Your face lays on your pillow case every day. Your pillow case absorbs the oils from your skin and reapplies the dirt and oil. Thus causing breakouts. Keep your sheets and pillow cases clean.

10) Eat foods rich in zinc - Zinc is an antibacterial agent and a necessary element in the oil-producing glands of the skin. A diet low in zinc can actually cause acne breakouts.

In conclusion, we need to take into consideration the nature of our economy here in Nigeria which requires that we be on our toes 24 hrs of the day, and almost 365 days of the year(Not applicable to all doe), this leaves us having close to zero time for our skin/body. we need to take cognizance of the fact that, it takes more than just an eye-shot to determine the seriousness of a skin disease,Many of us have so many responsibilities in life that we forget to take care of ourselves. And while it’s hard to prioritize something like taking a bath or attending to minor body challenges when we have so many other priorities in life, self care is also an important aspect of stress management. Acne may not actually be a serious skin diseases but may be experienced by us once in our lives. There are many more serious skin diseases such as skin cancer, psoriasis, ringworms, vitiligo, keratosis and others, but not all people may develop it as well. Whether a skin disease is fatal or not, one must consider practicing measures to avoid it. As the old saying goes, "prevention is better than cure.".

Till my next post, cheers.
oxoxoooo, feel free to drop your comments below, i take delight in reading them.

Monday 13 January 2014

The holiday happened to be a busy and at the same time interesting one for me, i got some beautiful faces to work on and i was glad they all loved their After-looks. Find some of the pictures i captured below for your viewing pleasure.

                                               Oyindamola for Kelmakeover, Thank you.


                                                Adeolas Look on her babys naming ceremony

                                                     ....And  she decided to choose Kelmakeover .

                                                                        Dotun, My Loyal Client
                                                                    Oh!, the brows!!!!.


         Forgot to take her before applying the foundation, just imagine her without the foundation, OK!. Lool.


                 Seyi Loved her look so much, she had to call me that her hubby fell head over hills in love                           with the look too.What else could put a long lasting smile on the face of a MUA than such amazing                        comments

Hello Lovely People,
Its 2014!, thank God for life!,  Here is another opportunity to do things right and better. indeed the year has been a wonderful one so far and i am totally sorry to have been M.I.A for sometime. To be honest ehn*,  the most difficult part of blogging is getting what to write oh!, sometimes i just get stucked trying to figure out what to write against pictures. Nway!, It is well. Lol.
Furthermore, i want to say a big thank you to all my clients and prospective clients for making 2013 a remarkable and worthwhile year. Hope the new year brings a lot of good cheer and fun, for you and your family. may all your dreams come true in 2014.
Wish you good luck with your resolution and please put God first in all that you do and he will surely direct your path. OXOX.